Span-Listen My Son! (!Oye hijo mio!)

Sánchez JuanSKU: 9781535999380
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En este libro, Juan y Jeanine Sanchez comparten principios bblicos que les han ayudado a criar a sus cinco hijas. Aunque muchos han intentado proveer una gua exhaustiva de cOmo criar a los hijos, este libro habla sobre verdades antiguas que lo guiaran en su crianza.
In this book, Juan and Jeanine Sanchez share biblical principles that have helped them to raise their five daughters. While many have attempted to provide a comprehensive guide on how to raise children, this book speaks of ancient truths that will guide you in your parenting.
La paternidad es un trabajo arduo. Piense esto: antes de tener hijos, usted probablemente tena ilusiones y suenos sobre cOmo criar a sus hijos y cOmo seran ellos al crecer. Pero de algo estaba seguro, ¡usted no criara a sus hijos como lo hicieron sus padres! No cometera los mismos errores que ellos cometieron. Luego, sucediO. Usted se convirtiO en padre. Rapidamente esas ilusiones y suenos comenzaron a disiparse. En algun punto, usted quizas hasta cuestionO el tener hijos o no. En este libro, Juan y Jeanine Sanchez comparten principios bblicos que les han ayudado a criar a sus cinco hijas. Aunque muchos han intentado proveer una gua exhaustiva de cOmo criar a los hijos, este libro habla sobre verdades antiguas que lo guiaran en su crianza.
Parenting is hard work. Think about this: before you had children, you probably had hopes and dreams about how you would parent and how your children would turn out. One thing was certain! You were NOT going to parent like your parents. You weren’t going to make the same mistakes they made raising you. Then, it happened. YOU became a parent. Very quickly, those hopes and dreams began to dissipate. At some point, you may even have questioned having children. In this book, Juan and Jeanine Sanchez share biblical principles that have helped them to raise their five daughters. While many have attempted to provide a comprehensive guide on how to raise children, this book speaks of ancient truths that will guide you in your parenting.

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